YOU ARE HERE :   FAQs Employers Job Posting

 A job posting, refers to the contextual information which you can put up at our job portal in order to showcase your job amongst the best of potential candidates. This gives you an opportunity to find your pick from the most relevant job-seekers, who perfectly befit the job profile that you have put up on offer; that too, in the most cost-effective and highly efficient manner.


 Posting jobs can never get any easier in just 3 simple steps:

          Step 1: Login to your account

          Step 2: Click on Post Jobs

          Step 3: Fill in the form

          Step 4: Preview your post before you publish

          Step 5: Finally click “Post Job”


         Bingo! Your job is ready to go Live.


 We would take 24 hours to review and publish your job posting.


 Every Job Post is valid for a period of 30 days. However if you wish to continue, you could repost the job which would consume one job from your account. Further this reposted job would also be valid for 30 days.


 We offer a range of job posting solution

   1. Universe Job Posting

  2. Universe Jobs Package

   Both of these are available under various subscription packages to add to your cart according

  to your need. Choosing from various options available under “Universe Job Posting” an

  employer can post jobs which would be valid for 30 days, while “Universe Jobs Packages” also

  include resume search, Logo banner, advertisement posters on our website etc. View our

  Subscription Plans.


 To edit a job posting:

          Step 1: Login under the Employer section

          Step 2: Click the manage jobs button on the dashboard

          Step 3: Under each job, you should see “Edit Job”

          Step 4: Complete the form and click “Update”


 To repost a Job posting:

          Step 1: Ensure that you are logged in as en employer

          Step 2: Select “Manage Jobs”

          Step 3: You should see the list of your jobs

          Step 4: Select “Repost this job”

          Before you confirm to Repost, you will be asked whether you want to edit your job posting.


  Auto repost allows user to automatically repost a job after it expires.

           Note: Any auto repost done will consume 1 job post from the users’ account.


 You can get information about your remaining Job posts at the “Reports tab” and “Statistics tab” on your dashboard.


 Managing applications becomes an important criteria while sorting candidates. Hence, we have

          an option of selecting them according to the freshness and relevance of the resume to

          suit your need. You can manage resume in the “Manage folders” tab on the Dashboard.

          Further an employer has option of inviting or rejecting the candidate. In none of these cases

          the status of the application stays pending.


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