


Posted by : - 02 July, 2015 07:24 AM

Each one of us has the same number of hours in a day as the next person; well how come then, some people end up being mediocre achievers and others acquire the halo of being super achievers. A peek into the super achievers mind set might yield some answers, let us try and unravel the secrets of exceptionally high achievers. It is not astonishing that these people are able to achieve more in a span of 24 hours that the rest of us can only imagine in a week’s time, bear this in mind the next time you post a resume to find a job online.

The weekend is a launch pad

If you happen to be checking out international business jobs, you need to check the resources of top job search websites, replete with enriching career related literature, that can help you launch and sustain a successful career. Talking of exceptional career achievers, their secret lies in using the weekends as a launching pad for the upcoming week ahead. They have discovered the joys of shifting gears during the week end, a perfect culmination of the productive working week. The weekend is reserved exclusively for relaxing, replenishing, rejuvenating and invigorating activities. All of this is not just a refreshing escape, there more to it; fun filled weekends are lay the foundation of a solid work week ahead so that you are all geared up to deliver 110% on a Monday morning instead of the usual Monday morning blues that bog down lesser mortals.

Now that I have your attention let me broach the seemingly unfathomable innards of a super achievers mind. They consciously and consistently schedule and incorporate certain activities and best practices to stay ahead of the pack as recommended by best job search sites.

The week ahead seems a breeze

They begin their day by waking on schedule, engaging in some me time heralding the day with some physical activity, followed by some mental activity before getting on with the day and their family. They deliberately unplug and disconnect, which affords them more time to think of issues that really matter. They do not spend way too much of time on sundry mundane chores, even carry them to the following week in the event they remain unfinished within the stipulated time frame. Besides they make time to exercise, pursue their passion, ensuring their personal is as balanced as their professional life. Spending quality family time is on top of their agenda. Every now and then they weave in micro adventures to expect the unexpected that is mood uplifting with the effects lasting the following week. This approach is helpful for professionals in corporate planning jobs in India, hotel jobs in India or bank jobs in India.

Finally they spare a few thoughtful moments in planning for the forthcoming week, resulting in reduced stress, productivity gains, the week ahead suddenly seems to be more manageable, planning as they say is half work done and you are all set to execute it right away, sort of hit the ground running.

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