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The Most Common Interview Questions Asked by Employers

A job search in India entails multiple interviews with various stake holders. When you happen to be checking out jobs for freshers in India it helps to be well prepared for the crucial interview process.

Read our previous blog => Convince An Employer To Take A Chance On You

Interview Question: Tell Me a Little About Yourself?

This question is an ice breaker whether you are looking for hotel jobs in Indabout your selfia or insurance jobs in India. A strong, but brief answer will quickly get the interviewer’s attention and separate you from the pack. Give a concise description of who you are and your key job qualifications, strengths and skills. Relate your answer to the job offered by declaring the strongest asset you offer an employer, it will leave the interviewer wanting to know more.

Interview Question: Why Do You Want to Work for our Company?

This is equally applicable to information technology jobs in India  or BPO jobs in India. The interviewer is trying to measure your enthusiasm for the opening as well as your knowledge of the company. Give examples of what attracted you to the company. Focus on your strengths and how they match the job description, making you the right candidate for the job.

Interview Question: What Are Your Greatest Strengths?looking for a job

Well you will come across this question while facing an interview situation for corporate planning jobs in India or even hardware jobs in India. This question is to find out what you are particularly good at and how this would compliment the role. Talk about a few of your key strengths that are relevant to the job and give examples of how you have used them successfully in the past. Strengths could include: ability to learn quickly, work well under pressure, multi-tasking, team focus, or your ability to work alone.

Interview Question: What Are Your Greatest Weaknesses?

Here they are trying to gauge your self-awareness. Avoid responding with the word weakness and instead use an “area for improvement” that is not crucial to the job, or speak about a challenge that you are working through. Showing a willingness to develop and face challenges turns the answer positive.

Interview Question: What Have Been Your Major Achievements to Date?job searching websites

They want to know if you are a high achiever and how your accomplishments will benefit their company. Choose one or two recent accomplishments that are directly related to the job. Identify the situations, the actions taken, the skills you used and the positive outcomes. Quantify the benefits when possible and show what you can bring to the table.

Interview Question: What is the Most Challenging Situation You Have Ever Faced at Work?

This question is used to find out your definition of difficult and how you can take a logical approach to problem solving. Discuss a tough work situation and explain the way you handled the problem, including the actions you took and the solution.

Interview Question: What Did You Like and Dislike About Your Last Position?

bul2This is to uncover your key interests and whether the job being offered has responsibilities you will dislike. Focus on what you enjoyed in your last position and what you learned from it, making comparisons to the new role. Also, do not to criticize your last employer and choose an example that does not reflect on you poorly.

Interview Question: Why Do You Want to Leave Your Current Position?

Reply positively about your current employer but state you are looking for more of a challenge, more responsibility, more experience and a change of environment. Explain how your current role can no longer provide that, but how you believe the role offered presents an opportunity for growth on several levels and will utilize more of your strengths and potential.

Interview Question: What Are Your Job Goals For The Future?

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Having a sense of purpose is an appealing feature in an applicant, so this question is designed to determine your ambition level and the extent of your long term career planning. Describe how your goal is to continue to grow, learn, add value and take on new responsibilities in the future.

Interview Question: How Well Do you Respond to Working under Pressure?

The interviewer uses this to see if you have composure, problem solving skills and can stay focused in difficult times. You can give an example of when you were faced with a stressful situation and how you handled it. Describe the context, how you approached it, the actions you took and the positive outcome. Demonstrate how you remained calm, stayed in control and got the job done.


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