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How to Identify and Conquer What Is Holding You Back?

Have you ever felt that there is more to your life than what is currently going on for you, of late have you felt somewhat unhappy with what you are currently doing. Well have you done anything worthwhile to make a positive intervention and change the  situation for better.

Designed to Be Free

Team LeaderIn case you really did something substantial that was commendable, in the event you were unable to do something, try to recollect, what was it in particular that held you back from making positive changes, be it applying for a job, in response to a vacancy for an ongoing recruitment drive in your field of work. Come to think of it, were the human mind, body and spirit designed to be free or be shackled by limitations, so why is it that many of us allow limiting thoughts to govern us and our beliefs, and in turn act as impediments by limiting our ability to explore and go ahead and make all out efforts to achieve our full potential, be it in the field of our work or in our lives.

Use it or Lose It

The human mind is indeed a very powerful weapon in our armour to fight against all odds. It is designed to excel, much like a physical muscle, it works on the principle of use it or lose it. If you happen to look closely, you would be amazed by the feats people are able to accomplish, like developing a photographic memory, for that matter people achieving excellence as far as endurance and performance goes in the field of sports. Which brings us to the fact that there are umpteen dimensions to the capabilities of our mind, as well as our bodies.

Extraordinary Powers of Our Mind

At the Back of Our MindThere are way too many dimensions to the extraordinary powers of our mind, for someone to be able to fathom and comprehend fully. Having said this, one must not lose sight of the fact that, no matter how good or bad you happen to be at something you can still go ahead and find ways to do things better. Find out if there is something that is kind of stopping you from accomplishing your goals and being able to fulfill your dreams.

Resistance to Change

Well unwittingly, you might be doing certain things quite inadvertently, that could perhaps be holding you back, from realising your potential, by limiting your beliefs and efforts, another thing is resistance to change. Same holds true about not knowing yourself well enough. If you look at limiting beliefs as something derailing your life, take a leaf from people who came across challenges and faced them headlong.

Final Thoughts

For instance, the person who suffered a heart attack couple of years back had two options in front of him, to lead a limited, restricted life, which most people would do when faced with such situations, the other option being taking it up as a challenge, and embarking on the road to fitness, ending up fighting fit, the later is just a matter of time with mind over matter.

About Harneet

Harneet Kaur is HR & Content Manager at Universe Jobs. She has over 10 Years of Experience in Recruitment and is a Renowned Career Expert.

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