Social media is the most crowded place these days where you can not just post photos, chat, likes, and comments but also get your dream job. With the emerging social buzz, recruiters are also actively using social media to get the right employee. Read some tips to increase your chances to get hired.
Set a Professional Looking Profile
The first thing recruiters do is scanning your profile, your bio and photos. So, avoid posting any personal picture or post that doesn’t present a good image of you. There is nothing wrong with uploading personal photos but it should be decent. It is highly recommended to set a profile picture in professional attire.
Make Posts Related to Your Expertise.
Say if you are an expert in the management or IT field, you should showcase your projects dealt with, past experience, and expertise areas through social media. Highlight your key metrics so that recruiters can get the reason to hire you.
Interlink Your Social Profiles
There are tons of social media today. You never know which is the one that opens the door of your destiny. So, it is a good idea to interlink your social profiles. Provide links to your other social accounts like Instagram, Linkedin, and Twitter on Facebook. Interlinking your social profiles this way helps the recruiter to evaluate your profiles and to know more about you.
Stay Active on Social Media
To grab the attention of the recruiters and HR personnel of big companies, it is essential to keep updating your profile timely. Plus, you should also post regarding your area of interest as well as the current trending news in the country and the world. This gives an impressive expression of you to your profile viewers. However, it is not that you should always post related to career and job but you may also post other pictures and thoughts provided they are not objectionable.