How to create a resume? This question comes to the mind of every job-searcher and it is obvious. Selection in a job and growth completely depends on how you portray yourself and all it starts from resume-building. Communication plays the most important role and therefore it should always be emphasized that the language and style used in resume is crisp, catchy and communicative. Resume should be the mirror image of your past and present career and dreams in the most sorted way. Resumes of two people working in the same field can be different because of the difference in language, style and aspirations.
There are several templates available on internet that can help in creating a resume. Apart from those, many examples of professionals’ resumes are available that can help to set up your own curriculum vitae. However, somebody who can best set your cv is yourself, the only point you need to remember is using crisp and communicative language.
Basic details of name, address, phone number, email etc. could be given in a tab at the last or in the beginning of the resume, as mentioned in the template you choose. And, then comes the face of the resume, which is the Aim or Objective of Your Career; this section should clearly demonstrate your aspirations and dreams along with your present situation. For example, Working as a ……, I aspire to find a suitable career as ….. The next line in this section should tell more about your dreams but should not be kept long. Instead of using this section, you can use Resume Summary to describe the aim, dream and current situation a bit more elaborately.
Then comes Skillset, Work Experience, Trainings, Educational Qualifications, Additional Courses, Co-Curricular Roles, Hobbies and Self-Declaration. Work Experience should be explained well but not be kept too long. None of the sections should be stretched unnecessarily. After setting the resume in the best possible way, you can head to search a job. All the best!