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Who to Hire

Plan Your Strategy As a prospective job seeker looking for a job you will find it very helpful to be in the know of how employers make hiring decisions, while you go about planning your strategy. The way employers go about the hiring process is by drawing up a job description early in the selection process. This incorporates the required as well as the preferred qualifications which they happen to be seeking.  The whole cycle goes somewhat like this, a prospective supervisor works closely with the human resources department to ensure both departmental as well as organizational perspectives and the designated ...

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The Perfect Income for Happiness

Employee Job Satisfaction Come to think of it what all contributes to overall employee satisfaction, and do high salaries make for more satisfied employees, or is it they become more complacent once their finances are secure. On the surface employees would apparently rate better monetary compensation as an indicator of higher satisfaction levels in any employee satisfaction survey. Well when we begin scratching the surface and start digging a bit deeper, we find there are myriad other factors at play as well. This brings us to the monetary consideration you factor in when you apply for online jobs in India. ...

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Pay and Job Satisfaction

Do We Work for Money Only? Is money the fundamental reason for most of us to work, well some amount of money is required to meet all the basic necessities of life. It is a given fact that money is measurable and tangible. For these reasons it certainly acts as a motivator for many employees. The question that naturally arises in our minds is whether money is enough of a motivation for dedicated employees. Do keep this in mind when looking for a job. Read our previous blog => Create a Strategic Job Search Plan Given the complexity of human ...

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The Most Common Interview Questions Asked by Employers

A job search in India entails multiple interviews with various stake holders. When you happen to be checking out jobs for freshers in India it helps to be well prepared for the crucial interview process. Read our previous blog => Convince An Employer To Take A Chance On You Interview Question: Tell Me a Little About Yourself? This question is an ice breaker whether you are looking for hotel jobs in India or insurance jobs in India. A strong, but brief answer will quickly get the interviewer’s attention and separate you from the pack. Give a concise description of who ...

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You have chanced upon an amazing opportunity, updated your resume, perfected your cover letter and got your references in order. So far so good everything seems to be perfect. Well just relax and remember before you make that all important submission just ask yourself, what sets you apart. With an extraordinary resume, a great cover letter and really strong references you may be feeling quite confident and that really is very reassuring. Read our previous blog => THE RESUME SUMMARY STATEMENT Chances are the other candidates who have applied alongside would most probably be carrying comparable documents. Now comes the ...

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