In the event people working with you are unable to understand the direction the company is moving at the moment, it is quite likely all of them would go ahead and develop their own priorities and this in effect would mean that a situation gets created which prevents you from getting to the place where you ought to be.
Organizational Values
This essentially means getting each and every person concerned on board by creating a robust strategic plan which encompasses organizational values, the vision, and the mission as well.
In a Meaningful Way
Add to this the challenges of bringing these principles to life in a meaningful way that people can relate to. It is therefore very important that you are effectively able to describe exactly what you want in order to get the people where you need them to go.
Final Thoughts
For this one needs to identify the values, that support their organization, while defining the vision for the company. A mission statement needs to be written as part of obligations of discharging responsibilities for corporate planning jobs in India.