You are fresh out college and you are seeing the world with rose tinted glasses. The time as a fresh graduate is often the most exciting time of your life. However, if you are not careful, you could be living a life you were not meant to, or find your dreams come crashing down.
For those of you who have just entered the job market, here are some tips that will help you survive and realize your goals:
- Make sure you keep learning– Learning does not stop with the end of college. In fact, if
you are serious about taking your career to new heights, make sure you keep learning and adding skills to your profile. As your skills grow, so will your career.
- Adopt a professional attitude– Making the transition from care free days of college to the corporate world can be difficult. However, the transition is essential. Make sure you adopt a professional attitude from day 1. It will keep you in good stead.
- Have goals for 2 years, 5 years and 10 years– When you are driving without a destination in mind, you end up reaching nowhere. It is important to have goals in mind in order to streamline your career path. Don’t be rigid about these goals though, as it could lead to undue stress.
- Don’t be afraid to take risks– the best time to take risks is when you are still new in the job market. You do not have a reputation and you do not have many responsibilities either. Take risks and explore new avenues. You never know what you might stumble across.
- Have an investment strategy- It is possible that in the future, you may decide to switch careers. It is also entirely possible that there is a slow-down in the economy which leads to layoffs and job cuts. It is important to have an investment strategy in place to tide over these tough times.
- Learn a new language– The business world is getting increasingly globalized. In order to increase your chances of flying abroad on an official trip, learn a new language. While French and German are the usual bets, try learning something offbeat if you can, like Chinese, Japanese, or even Spanish.
- Always develop connections– No matter where you are working, always be in the habit of developing connections. Even after you leave the job, stay in touch with your seniors. It will help you get ahead in life.
- Don’t take life too seriously- Sometimes, when we take life too seriously, we are prone to anxiety attacks and stress. Work hard and leave the rest to destiny. Sometimes, you just need to learn to go with the flow.
- Always keep updating your resume– As you progress in your career, make sure you keep updating your resume with key achievements and added skills. It will come in handy for your next job search.
- Try and stay in a company for at least 2 years– Job hopping has become a trend these days. However, organizations still value employees who are ready for long term commitment. Try and stay in an organization for at least 2 years. It looks good on your resume.
This post originally appeared on Recruitment4u Page.